How to trade on depop!

Hi! I'm writing this blog post because a lot of people ask me how to get a lot of likes/sales on depop and how to know when to trade with other sellers! Here's my advice:

Trading: Trading with other sellers on depop can be tricky, especially because it's risky. If you decide to trade with somebody and they don't send your item, there's no way to get a refund for what you lost, you can only get a refund for the shipping. There are two cases of trading on depop: when someone wants to trade with you, or when you want to trade with them! Here are steps for both scenarios!

1. If someone wants to trade with you:

  • Make sure they're a reliable seller. Go to their account, and check how many stars they have. Make sure to see if they have good reviews as a BUYER or a SELLER. If somebody has no stars, don't trade with them. If somebody has never sold anything, don't trade with them. They may not understand how to trade and then decide not to go through with their end of the deal. Look specifically for reviews that say "great trade" or "very smooth trade": these are good signs. 
  • Once you've verified that this person is reliable to trade with, check out their items! See if they have something you like that you would readily trade for in real life. If you find something you like, let them know! Chances are, they want to get rid of that item, and they will be willing to trade with you.
  • Once you've decided to trade with someone, both of you should post listings that say "trade listing". Price these at $1, but then add shipping (buyer pays) that corresponds to whatever weight the item you're trading is. You buy their listing, and they buy your listing.
  • Try to ship quickly when you're trading: it's good to be transparent and let the person know when you plan to ship. That way, they won't get anxious about you flaking on them and scamming them. Don't scam people, guys. It's mean :(
  • Wait for your package to come, and enjoy what you got from your trade! 
  • If it went well, rate the other person 5 stars and wait for them to rate you! 

2. If you want to trade with someone:

  • Make sure you have a few good reviews on your profile already, as a seller. Usually, it's best to have sold at least 10 items. If you haven't sold ten items yet, list 10 things you aren't wearing for cheap prices and then send the packages out on time to get some good reviews.
  • DM the person nicely offering to trade and then asking what they would be willing to trade for. Sometimes, people don't want to trade, and that's ok! You can DM other people with similar items asking if they want to trade. Try to have equivalent items listed on your profile (For example, if you're asking to trade for an $100 item, have something listed for $80-120!)
  • When a person says yes, check out their rating! Go to their account, and check how many stars they have. Make sure to see if they have good reviews as a BUYER or a SELLER. If somebody has no stars, don't trade with them. If somebody has never sold anything, don't trade with them. They may not understand how to trade and then decide not to go through with their end of the deal. Look specifically for reviews that say "great trade" or "very smooth trade": these are good signs.
  • Once you've confirmed what you're going to trade, both of you should post listings that say "trade listing". Price these at $1, but then add shipping (buyer pays) that corresponds to whatever weight the item you're trading is. You buy their listing, and they buy your listing.
  • Try to ship quickly when you're trading: it's good to be transparent and let the person know when you plan to ship. That way, they won't get anxious about you flaking on them and scamming them. Don't scam people, guys. It's mean :(
  • Wait for your package to come, and enjoy what you got from your trade! 
  • If it went well, rate the other person 5 stars and wait for them to rate you! 

I'm going to write a separate article with advice on how to get lots of likes and sales on depop! Go check out my profile to see that!


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